First, “Ultrasound” is a noun which has a precise meaning that it is the diagnostic technique that employs high frequency sound waves in order to produce images of interior of people or things. It is known to be widely utilized in health informatics to display body interior parts such as internal organs, tissues, and structures among others. In medical ultrasound technique, a transducer sends ultrasonic waves into the body and the these waves are reflected (echo) when they meets various tissues or organs. Through studying the echoes, a computer develops immediate pictures which can be of use in disease diagnosis and tracing. To summarize, “ultrasonic” is a more general term, that refers to sound waves with frequencies above the range auditable by the human ear, “ultrasound” on the other hand, is a specific use of ultrasonic waves in the sphere of medicine. Most ultrasonic imaging technology relies on ultrasonic waves to produce pictures and it is widely known in the medical profession as ultrasonic imaging or ultrasonography history or just ultrasound.
The history of ultrasonics
In 1917 Paul Langevin created the first actual ultrasonic generator that would be able to create sounds waves with frequencies up to 20 kHz. Langevin employed his ultrasonic generator for investigation of various properties of solids and liquids; he also came to know that ultrasonic sound have capabilities to feel the pulse of metal this in other words this mean to detect flaws in metal. It is known that since 1930s engineers and scientists in United States, Canada and Europe started to investigate the uses of ultrasonics for industrial purposes. That is why they came up with methods of employing ultrasonic waves in the evaluation of metal parts for flaws like crack and voids. In the period of World War II ultrasonic was employed in detecting quality of weldments in the military hardware. This was an important application as it was used in conducting rapid and non invasive tests on the military equipment hence enhancing the safety and reliability of the equipment. During 1950’s, the medical ultrasonic imaging and diagnosis like the prenatal ultrasound got into practice. During the 1960s the scope of ultrasonic applications widened and touched aerospace and automotive industries where it was applicable for examining the quality of aircraft and automobile components. The early forms of ultrasonic testing were established in the later 1970’s when improvements in electronic technology enabled the use of finer ultrasonic testing equipment that had the capability to obey smaller imperfections and check thicker and complicated materials. Ultrasonics is now popular in many vocations of the globe, some of which includes aerospace vocations, automobile vocations, electric vocations, marine vocations and so on. Thus, it has turned into an indispensable accessory of the nondestructive testing and quality assurance techniques enabling the checking of material and product characteristics without damaging these materials or products. It is still an evolutive technology, however, in the most recent years new perspectives have emerged with the phased arrays and the use of AI during the ultrasonics testing like the remote controls and the automatics.
Beginnings of Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE)
NDT has been in use for several decades, though there were initial improvements in instrumentations stimulated by technologies that came up during the Second World War and detection of defects. It was conceived under one of the tenets of ‘safe life’ design that in the lifetime of a structure, it should not produce macroscopic flaws, and if such flaws are found, the respective component is withdrawn for service. Thus, in order to meet this need, higher technologies based on the principles of ultrasonics, eddy currents, x-rays, dye penetrants, particles and other interrogating forms of energy appeared.
The events occurred at the start of the 1970s which brought a significant change in the NDT field. First, due to increase in technical sophistication, there was early identification of cracks, although more components where rejected when the probability of their failure did not alter. But the scientifically based discipline of fracture mechanics appeared, where one can predict whether a crack of a certain size will fail under a specific load if the characteristics of a material’s fracture toughness are well known. This formed the basis for the new philosophy of "damage tolerant" design. Components having known defects could continue in service as long as it could be established that those defects would not grow to a critical, failure producing size. A new challenge was thus presented to the nondestructive testing community. Detection was not enough. One needed to also obtain quantitative information about flaw size to serve as an input to fracture mechanics based predictions of remaining life.In this connection, the need for quantitative data was particularly marked in such sectors as defense and nuclear power which stimulated the development of quantitative non-destructive evaluation (QNDE) as a new branch of engineering/research. Some of the research programs that were initiated at this time included a center for nondestructive evaluation at the Iowa State University originating from a major research at the Rockwell International Science Centre, the Electric Power Research Institute based in Charolette North Carolina, the Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive testing in Saarbrucken, Germany and nondestructive testing centres in Harwel, England.
Who invented ultrasound
Ultrasonic technology or medical sonography is technology that could be characterized as a product of development over many decades of work of numerous scientists and engineers. There is a factor that modern transport was not born as a result of single inventor’s idea but it is a product of developments across the various disciplines. Here are some key milestones and contributors in the development of ultrasound:Here are some key milestones and contributors in the development of ultrasound:
Early Discoveries (Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries):
- Pierre Curie and his brother Jacques Curie have measures great progress in piezoelectricity, the phenomenon by which certain crystals generate charges electric when a pressure is applied to them. This was the beginning of development of ultrasound transducers.
World War I (1914-1918):
- In the period of the First World War, such scientists as engineers Paul Langevin and his assistants created underwater sonar systems which provided the detection of submarines with the help of ultrasonic waves. This was one of the first practical uses of ultrasound ever to be seen.
1930s and 1940s:
- Clinicians of diverse countries started the clinical application of ultrasound; Karl Dussik in Austria and Ian Donald in Scotland to be specific. Dr Stepan Dussik started experimenting on using ultrasound for the visualization of the brain.
- Clinicians of diverse countries started the clinical application of ultrasound; Karl Dussik in Austria and Ian Donald in Scotland to be specific. Dr Stepan Dussik started experimenting on using ultrasound for the visualization of the brain.
- There was establishment of continuous wave Doppler ultrasound through which blood flow in the human body can be assessed. It was very useful in innovations in the fields of cardiology and vascular medicine.
- Techniques such as, real-time ultrasound, a procedure that provided clear images of the moving human body was developed. This advancement best enhanced the diagnostic ability of ultrasound.
1980s and Beyond:
- Improvement in the ultrasound devices was realised through colours Doppler, 3D and 4D ultrasound scans. Such improvements extended the use fields and increased the diagnostic yield of the procedure.
A few things must be remembered on the applications of ultrasound technology, and it is not limited to medical imaging only as it has its ranges in industrial testing, materials inspection and even underwater exploration. The invention of ultrasound technology took a lot of time and effort of physicists, engineers, and other medical specialists.
Why ultrasonic sensor is used
Ultrasonic sensors are applied in many fields and industries because of the utility of these devices as distance measuring devices and object sensors with contactless sensing possibilities. These sensors work on the principle of transmitting high-frequency sound waves, known as ultrasonic waves, and then creating the time taken for these waves to reflect off an object and get back to the sensor. Here are some common reasons why ultrasonic sensors are used:Here are some common reasons why ultrasonic sensors are used:
Distance Measurement: Ultrasonic sensors are used when speedy measurement of distances to objects without coming in contact with them is required. They are capable of providing precise distance readings, making them valuable in applications such as:They are capable of providing precise distance readings, making them valuable in applications such as:
- Industrial automation: For object detection and position control in manufacturing processes.
- Robotics: For avoiding an object or obstacle in ones way and for navigation.
- Automotive: In parking assist systems, collision avoidance systems that work with animal assist and adaptive cruise control.
- Home appliances: In washing machines, dishwashers, robotic vacuum cleaners for the detection of the obstacle.
Object Detection and Presence Sensing: Ultrasonic sensors are effective at detecting the presence or absence of objects in their field of view. They are commonly used in:
- Security systems: For detecting intruders or unauthorized access.
- Retail: In automatic doors, vending machines, and inventory management.
- Conveyor systems: For object counting and sorting.
- Parking garages: To monitor vehicle occupancy.
Liquid Level Measurement: The ultrasonic sensors are able to confirm the level of liquids in the tanks or containers in a precise manner. This is essential in industries such as:This is essential in industries such as:
- Agriculture: For monitoring water levels in irrigation systems.
- Chemical processing: In storage tanks and chemical reactors.
- Environmental monitoring: In wastewater treatment plants as well as in water reservoirs’ areas.
Flow Rate Measurement: Application of ultrasonic sensors can also used to measure the flow rate of liquids or gases with the help of setting the speed of sound in the fluid. This is useful in applications like:
- Water and wastewater treatment: For monitoring flow rates and controlling processes.
- Oil and gas industry: Also in meters used in custody transfer service and process control applications.
Proximity Sensing: Proximity Sensing: This is the ability of ultrasonic sensors to pick the presence of an object or a person in the near vicinity without touching the latter. They are used in:
- Home automation: For touchless light switches and faucets.
- Healthcare: In touchless hand sanitizers and soap dispensers.
- Human-computer interaction: In gesture recognition systems.
Level and Depth Sensing:Besides the measurement of liquid level, ultrasonic sensors are used in determination of depth of rivers, lakes, and seas among other water surfaces. This has its application in hydrology, environmental surveys, and in finding our way on water especially during the night.
Obstacle Avoidance: In robotics and automatic cars, ultrasonic sensors are usually applied for the identification and sensing of objects on the path.
Quality Control:In material manufacturing ultrasonic sensors are applied in detecting defects or variations such as thickness of the material and inspecting welds.
The ultrasonic sensors have the benefits like no-contact measurement, high accuracy and high reliability in many non standard environments. Due to this versatility, as well as the accuracy that they afford, they find widespread use in many applications across many industries.
Are ultrasonic waves harmful
The waves of sound that are above the audible frequency range, which is generally above 20,000 hertz are termed as ultrasonic, and these ultrasonic waves cause no harm if used appropriately. In fact, there are many real-life uses to ultrasonic waves ranging from the beneficial to the essential in many professions. However, their safety depends on several factors:
Frequency and Intensity: It is suggestible that the ultrasonic waves are safe depending on the frequency and the intensities of the waves. That is why for the frequencies and intensity higher than the mentioned values can lead to negative consequences. The most frequent ultrasonic imaging, diagnostic uses, and nondestructive testing together with object ranging employ frequencies that are not dangerous for people.
Exposure Duration: It must be understood that the exposure to the ultrasonic waves does not mean longer the better. Influence of short-term ultrasonic waves, including those of low intensity and frequency, the same as in diagnostic procedures, is considered safe. There are risks related to prolonged exposure to high intensity ultrasound, and that is, tissue heating.
Distance from the Source:Thus, the probability of influencing a person might increase when he stands nearer to the source of ultrasonic wave. It is true that many ultrasonic applications such as medical ultrasound are inherently safe because they are engineered to direct the waves only to the target tissue, sparing the rest of the body tissue.
Frequency Range: Different tissues and materials in the body have varying responses to ultrasound waves depending on their composition and density. Medical ultrasound, for example, carefully selects frequencies and intensities that are safe for imaging soft tissues.
Regulations and Guidelines:Professional organizations inclusive of health related bodies and organizations for instance the FDA (U. S. Food and Drug Administration) for medical devices set standards for safe ultrasound use. Compliance to these guidelines serves as the fundamental steps to safety in medical and industrial settings.
Common uses of ultrasonic waves that are considered safe include:
Medical Imaging:Sonography or ultrasonic diagnosis is used as a diagnostic tool in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, cardiology, and many others. It is contactless and also relatively risk-free for everyone involved, the patients, and those attending to them.
Industrial Testing:Ultrasonic testing can be applied for the checking of the material or a structure or a part of it for defects, measuring the thickness and identifying flaws in the structure or a member of the structure.
Object Detection: Other ultrasonic sensors used in systems such as the parking assist systems, robotics, and home automation emit friendly low end ultrasonic signals and therefore safe to use when interacting with people.
But all in all we should have certain set of safety measures and precautions measures in the use of ultrasonic devices especially for high intensity used in medical and industrial field. If the intensity is incorrect or it lasts for an excessive period, there can be a negative impact on the tissue or harm to it.
Therefore it can be concluded that ultrasonic waves are relatively safer provided that the frequency limit and intensity has not being exceeded and done within the standard guidelines and safety measures. In different applications of the ultrasonic equipment, it is therefore imperative that the right design is provided for the equipment and the operator given adequate training so as to prevent end up in accidents.
History of ultrasound
Ultrasound is a term derived from two words, ultra and sonography, and has an interesting and rich history. Nowadays, ultrasound technology history changed a lot, and the usage of such devices is rather wide, in medicine, industry, etc. Here's an overview of the key milestones in the history of ultrasound imaging:Here's an overview of the key milestones in the history of ultrasound machine:
Early Discoveries (Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries):
- Thus, the advancement of the discovery of ultrasound technology was preceded by the studies of acoustics and the characteristics of sound waves. Pierre Curie and Jacques Curie who was from France also contributed much in the study of piezoelectricity; it is the ability of a material to conduct electricity under the influence of mechanical stress.
World War I (1914-1918):
- For instance, in the use of underwater equipments in the First World War, French physicist, Paul Langevin pioneered in use of ultrasonic waves to locate submarines. This signified one of the first uses of ultrasound in practice.
1930s and 1940s:
- Ultrasonic systems started being applied for medical practises. It pointed that early attempts for the use of ultrasound in imaging the brain were made by an Austrian neurologist, Karl Dussik. This was the beginning of medical ultrasound imaging and laid the work for future inventions.
- The first working ultrasound machine history for medical purposes in United States was invented by George Ludwig, a physicist and Douglas Howry a radiologist. This machine identified as the ‘‘Reflectoscope’’ was applied in the obstetrics and gynaecological examination.
- Thus, continuous-wave Doppler ultrasound emerged for the identification of blood flow in the human body. It was of great benefit to cardiology and vascular medicine this innovation was.
- Real time ultrasound imaging history was discovered to take images as the body and its organs actually move. The development was a major step up in enhancing the use of ultrasound in the diagnosis of diseases.
1980s and Beyond:
- More improvements to the technology of ultrasound happened including colour Doppler, 3D ultrasound, and 4D ultrasound (3D real-time). Of these innovations, application enlargements broadened the spectrum within which diagnostic imaging could be used while raising the diagnostic standard.
Non-Medical Applications:
- The advancement in the ultrasound use went further than the medical diagnosis, in several fields such as industrial testing, inspection of raw material, marine surveys, and others. Thus, it had a great potential for the non-destructive testing and quality control.
Current Applications:
- Modern ultrasonic devices are widely used in virtually all branches of medicine, including such specialties as obstetrics and gynecology, cardiology, radiology, urology, and others. It is used in the diagnosis and management of several diseases in the body Heating, and treatment.
Ongoing Research:
- They include therapeutic ultrasound, point of care ultrasound and so on, this is because research and development is constantly going on to expand the horizons of ultrasound technology.
It is possible to mark the history of ultrasound technology in terms of physicists, engineers and medical practitioners work in many decades. This technique is now commonly used in the diagnosis of diseases and is considered an essential aspect of many healthcare practices of the contemporary world and has also been useful in other industries in various capacities.
Is ultrasonic and ultrasound the same
"Ultrasonic" and "ultrasound" are related terms, but they have distinct meanings and are used in different contexts:
- "Ultrasonic" is an adjective that describes sound waves or vibrations at frequencies higher than the upper limit of human hearing. In other words, it refers to sound waves with frequencies above the audible range for humans, which is typically considered to be around 20,000 hertz (Hz).
- Ultrasonic waves are characterized by their high frequency and are often used in various applications, including medical imaging, industrial testing, cleaning, and object detection. Ultrasonic sensors, for example, emit and receive ultrasonic waves to measure distances or detect objects.
- "Ultrasound" is a noun that specifically refers to the diagnostic imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the inside of the human body or objects. It is commonly used in medical diagnostics to visualize internal organs, tissues, and structures.
- In medical ultrasound, a transducer emits ultrasonic waves into the body, and the waves bounce back (echo) when they encounter different tissues or structures. By analyzing the echoes, a computer creates real-time images that can be used for medical diagnosis and monitoring.
In summary, "ultrasonic" is a broader term that describes sound waves with frequencies beyond human hearing, while "ultrasound" is a specific application of ultrasonic waves in medical imaging. Ultrasound technology uses ultrasonic waves to create images and is commonly referred to as "ultrasound imaging" or simply "ultrasound" in the medical field.